händisches Verbiegen einer Plastikkarte

Robust, aber nicht unzerstörbar

Standard multiple layer cards made from PVC with contact chips or RFID transponders may have a lifetime of up to 10 ye¬ars if treated carefully and protected. Furthermore, they can also be used in temperature ranges between -10 °C and +50 °C without any difficulties. Higher temperature and breaking resistances can be achieved by using alternative materials (see High-Temperature Cards). Generally, the lifetime of every card can be extended considerably, and the printed image protected over the course of years, if a number of tips are followed. Especially, ID- and access cards are exposed to heavy use due to the daily frequency of operation. The following tips will help you to protect your plastic card from early failure:

Grafik Magnetstreifenkarte im Durchzugsleser

Only use a card for the intended purpose.

Grafik Karte zwischen Türblatt und Zarge

Do not attempt to mechanically open doors using the card.

Karte in fester Kartenhülle

Use a hard PVC or polycarbonate sleeve to protect your card. Choose a sleeve suitable for the way in which the card is used.

Grafik Karte in weicher transparenter Folienhülle

Keep the card away from sleeves or wallets that contain softeners (e.g. many leather items, sleeves from soft PVC etc.).

Grafik gebogene Karte

Do not bend, fold or twist your card.

Grafik Karte hinter der Windschutzscheibe

Do not leave your card exposed in the car, particularly not behind the windshield. With the exception of cards that have been designed specifically for this purpose.

Grafik Karte mit Lochung im Magnetstreifen

Do not make holes in your card yourself.

Grafik Karte in der Sonne mit Thermometer

Protect your card against direct sunlight and temperatures exceeding +50 °C (value applies only to PVC cards).

Grafik Karte in Gesäßtasche einer Hose

Do not carry your card in your wallet, briefcase or pocket without protection.

Grafik Magnetstreifenkarte dicht am Magneten und Handy

Keep magnetic strips away from magnetics and magnetic radiation (e.g. caused by mobile phones or medical devices).

Krafik Karte als Eiskratzer an Autoscheibe

Do not use your ID-card to scrape ice or open bottles.

Grafik Magnetstreifenkarte im Kartencodiergerät

Do not attempt to read or manipulate the data saved on your card.

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