Printing Methods

Offset Printing

The offset printing process offers the highest possible print quality. Designs in Euroscale (CMYK) or with special colours according to Pantone or HKS can be reproduced true to colour according to possible colour samples or colour fans. The high quality of offset printing also makes it suitable for printing security features.

Digital Printing in Offset Quality

Cards printed digitally by Plasticard-ZFT cannot be distinguished in their quality from the common offset printing, thanks to the Offset-Similar-Printing method (“OSP”). Small runs can thus be produces quickly and cost efficiently. 

Screen Printing

Card layouts with rich, solid colours and especially opaque paint application are produced in screen printing. Special colours in cartridges, HKS or RAL can be realised just as mixed colours according to customer demand or template. Even metallic, effect, or security colours are feasible.

Karten mit unterschiedlichen Drucklayouts

Printing Colours


The printing in Euro-scale is used to implement coloured images. As the classics among the printing colours, the Euro-scale is composed of the colours Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black – short CMYK. Euro-scale colours can be processed in offset and digital printing.

Special Colours

Wir drucken Ihre Wunschfarbe! Ob gängiges Farbsystem wie Pantone, HKS oder RAL oder auch individuelle Farbvorlage – abhängig von Druckart und gewünschtem Ergebnis realisieren wir nahezu jeden Farbwunsch.

Metallic and Effect Colours

Three standard metallic tones are available for screen printing: fine and coarse silver as well as pearl silver. By printing over these metallic base tones with translucent inks in offset or OSP printing, colours ranging from gold to bronze and through to platinum and almost any other metallic tone can be achieved.

Farbspektrum als Würfel dargestellt
klassicher Farbfächer als Grafik
Metallic Farben unterschiedlich überdruckt, Gold, Silber, Pearl


Layout Design

Plasticard-ZFT employs some designers and takes on the design of your card and other printing products if you wish so. Our pre-print stage can process your layout data – no matter the format you sent them in. All data are checked before production and are adapted with your consent if need be.

Restoration of Printing Data

You want to reorder cards but do not have the printing documents? Plasticard-ZFT will take on the re-digitalisation of the layout by means of available models. We reproduce your sample and adapt the visual appearance to match the original card.

Printing Data

Plasticard-ZFT speichert Ihre Layoutdaten sicher ab, sodass Sie noch Jahre später nachbestellen können. Damit wir Ihre gelieferten Layouts für den Druck verwenden können, sind einige Vorgaben zu beachten. Diese finden Sie unter dem Artikel Druckdaten in unserem Kompendium.

Proof Sheet & Approval

Before production starts, we produce a proof sheet (“Good to print”) and make it available as a PDF. Only after the approval of this document, we begin with the production of your order. 

Printing Samples & Acceptance

When placing a sensitive and costly order, we advise you to order a proof sample. Very difficult colour mixtures can even be assessed and corrected directly at the machine. If necessary, you can arrange a date for on-site-approval with subsequent questions.

Colour Management & Colour Accuracy

We use a thoroughly standardised ISO-colour profile. If your data comes with its own profile, we keep and adapt it accordingly. Plasticard-ZFT pints according to your colour specifications. Even delivered samples or objects can be colorimetricly classified and implemented on a plastic card.

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picture credits

© Stanislaw Mikulski –
© Thomas Pajot – 

© Val Thoermer –
© apimook –

© fotofabrika –
© abimagestudio –