Cards for Events and Venues
Card-based access and payment systems for stadiums, sporting events and other big events are more in demand than ever before. They guarantee an effective visitor management and are a high-quality alternative to tickets made of paper. The areas of application are diverse: concerts, festivals, car races, museums right up to trade fairs.
Contactless chip cards or plastic cards with barcode are well suited to function as tickets, seasonal or even yearly tickers for events and stadiums. The additional feature as a cashless payment method for food, drinks and merchandise can be realised without problems by integrated another data carrier or a multi-application-capable chip into the card.
Plasticard-ZFT offers...
Cards for the sports, leisure and events sector can be printed in 4-colour printing but also in special colours. Depending on the need, we equip the cards with the needed data carriers, security features such as holograms, OVI or UV-features. Our experts in the pre-printing stage are happy to advise you when it comes to creating the layout of your cards and the different options you have for finishing and security features. To ensure that the cards are fully functional on site, we are also happy to advise you surrounding the entirety of your card project. Sustainable card materials made of wood or cardboard for a short-term use are also possible.
Think Big
Großformatkarten fallen auf. Namen und Passfotos sind besser erkennbar. Werbung von Sponsoren wird besser wahrgenommen. Verschaffen Sie Ihrem Event durch eine personalisierte XXL-Card mehr Aufmerksamkeit und bessere Erkennbarkeit auch auf große Entfernungen. Plasticard-ZFT produziert übergroße Karten mit und ohne Personalisierung. Passende Kartendrucker für XXL-Formate sind ebenfalls verfügbar.
Personalisierung und nachträglicher Druck
Only the own name on the ticket, yearly ticket or visitor pass makes the card individual and non-transferable. We are happy to take on the task of subsequent personalisation by consecutive numbers, names, or encoding of the data carrier. For this, the common personalisation methods for monochrome and coloured or durable and secure personalisation are available. On request, we can also realise the personalisation under laminate with the help of our in-house digital printing.
You would like to personalise your card on-site? We offer blank plastic cards for all card printers and XXL-card printers. Create more attention and a better recognisability for you event even from a great distance.
Possible Applications
- Tickets
- Visitor management
- Ticketing (public transport - eTicket)
- Payment
- Parking
- Name tags
- Information & Advertisement
Products / Card Types
- Badges / Sichtausweise
- Skiing passes
- Parking passes
- Tickets
- Einzelkarten, Dauerkarten, Jahreskarten
- Stadium card / Fan ID
- Name tags
- VIP-passes, visitor passes, backstage passes
- XXL-Cards
- Blank cards for printing on-site