Grafikerin mit Farbfächer am PC

Colour Management
We use a fully standardised ISO colour profile. If your data has its own profile, it will be maintained and implemented accordingly.

Services of Our Pre-Print Stage

Creating Your Design
Plasticard-ZFT beschäftigt ein Team qualifizierter Profi-Designer und übernimmt auf Wunsch gern die Gestaltung Ihrer Karte und zugehörigen Druckprodukte wie Flyer, Carrier oder Kartenhüllen. Auch die Erstellung kundenindividueller Hologramme, Holografik oder anderer Prägungen gehören zum Leistungsspektrum.

Checking and Processing Your Printing Data
Egal mit welchem Datenformat Sie arbeiten – unsere Druckvorstufe kann Ihre Layoutdaten weiterverarbeiten. Vor der Produktion werden alle Daten durch unser Team auf technische Machbarkeit, optische Güte und Farbtreue geprüft und bei Bedarf in Absprache mit Ihnen angepasst.

Saving of data for subsequent orders
Einmal bestellte Layoutdaten werden bei Plasticard-ZFT sicher abgespeichert, sodass Sie jederzeit schnell und einfach nachbestellen können.

Restoration of Printing ata on the Basis of Sample Cards
You want to reorder, but you no longer have the printing documentation? Plasticard-ZFT takes on the task of re-digitalisation of plastic cards on the basis of existing samples. We will reproduce your template and match the appearance and the colours exactly with the original card.

Determination & Adaptation of Printing Colours
Plasticard-ZFT prints according to your colour specifications. Supplied templates or objects can also be determined colorimetrically and implemented on a plastic card.

Print Approval - Flexible processes for every customer's desire

Approval on the Basis of a Proof Sheet
Before production starts, we produce a proof sheet (“Good to print”) and make it available as a PDF. Only after the approval of this document, we begin with the production of your order.

You can upload your print data via our web shop and will immediately receive an evaluation regarding the print-capabilities along with a PDF view of the product. The approval is carried out directly online in the order process.

Approval with Sample Card
For digital printing jobs (OSP), you will receive a printed sample within 24 hours for approval (a functional sample is also available, on request). The layout and processing correspond 100% to the subsequent run.

Proof for Colour Check
For offset printing in CMYK, we will provide you, on request, with a digital proof that can be used to check the accuracy of the colours. This colour-binding proof is a more cost-efficient alternative to a test print.

Approval by Test Print
With cost-intensive orders, we recommend ordering a test print.

Print Approval at the Printing Machine
Particularly difficult colour mixtures must, under certain circumstances, be evaluated and corrected directly at the machine. If necessary, you can arrange an appointment for on-site viewing with subsequent approval.

Ordering without Approval
For repeated orders, we will create a technical drawing in our item directory. You will be able to order on the basis of an item number and we will be able to produce on the basis of the stored drawing without needing to obtain a renewed approval.

Proof Sheets for Resellers
Plasticard-ZFT provides resellers with proof sheets in a neutral design. For regular customers, we are happy to provide you with proofs in your company design so that you are able to quickly and simply send these on to your customers.

picture credits

© WavebreakMediaMicro –