Discover today, how quick and easy card can be ordered online!
Assortment in the Webshop
- Plastikkarten (wahlweise im Offset- bzw. Digitaldruck), mit glänzender oder matter Oberfläche
- plastic cards with silver optics (produced in a screen printing process)
- blank plastic cards in different thicknesses
- magnet stickers in card format
- RFID Blocker Karten mit individuellem Druck
- plastic cards with HiCo or LoCo magnet stripes
- RFID Karten mit unterschiedlichen MIFARE® Chip Technologien, blanko oder bedruckt im Offset oder Digitaldruck
- contact chip cards with different memory chips
- ID-card accessories such as card sleeves, containers, yoyos, and clips
Current Advantages at a Glace
- Online data check – immediate display of the printing result
- easy follow-up order feature
- optional imprint of consecutive numbers or barcodes
- neutral proof sheet as PDF to download
- risk-free ordering via approval process
- ordering 24/7
- fast delivery in 24h possible (digital printing express)
- exclusive online prices
- neutral delivery free of charge, even directly to the end user
- invoice payment (creditworthiness required)
That's How It Works
In order for you to be able to experience the advantages of our reseller-online shop, you need to register via a few small steps. That way we can assure that only customers who are working resellers on the market have access to the online shop.
After the verification and activation of your data, you can immediately start serving your customers, get the pricing and delivery information, and place your order, including the upload of the printing data, within a couple of minutes.
This is possible, among other things, with the help of the automatic check of your printing data. Just upload the ready data and immediately receive a feedback regarding their usability via our Online-Preflight-Check.
Customer and data protection are also one of our top priorities in our online shop. Our shop is SSL-encrypted.
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