eTicket, Parkhauskarte und Ladekarte

Modern Card Solutions for the Mobility Sector and Logistics Companies

Im Bereich Mobilität, Transport und Logistik haben sich in den vergangenen Jahren zahlreiche neue Anwendungsfälle für Karten und RFID-Medien entwickelt. Neben herkömmlichen Tankkarten und Sichtausweisen für Logistik-Unternehmen bietet Plasticard-ZFT auch Lösungen für hochmoderne und sicherheitsrelevante Anwendungsfälle wie beispielsweise eTickets für den ÖPNV, Ladekarten für eMobility und Labels für die elektronische Führerscheinkontrolle.

Possible Applications

  • Ticketing (public transport - eTicket)
  • Parking
  • Cargo identification and closing control
  • Payment
  • Car sharing
  • Driver's license control
  • Identification

Products / Card Types

  • Tickets (eTickets, job tickets, term tickets)
  • Driver ID-cards
  • Charging Cards / Ladekarten
  • Car sharing cards
  • Parking cards
  • Labels for driver's licences & Driver's licences
  • Fuel Cards
  • Visual ID-cards
  • Electronic Seals

Ticketing for Public Transport

Elektronische Ticketlösungen werden mehr und mehr zum Standard bei Straßenbahn, Bus, sowie S- und U-Bahn. Als Ticket kommen neben mobilen Lösungen wie dem Handy-Ticket, RFID-Karten aus Papier, Karton oder Plastik zum Einsatz. Plasticard-ZFT ist für das (((eTicket des Verbandes deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV) zertifiziert und kann Tickets für den ÖPNV entsprechend der VDV-Norm herstellen und personalisieren.

With the spreading of the eTickets in Germany and Europe, the need for a combination with other card usages grows. For example, an electronic job ticket can be integrated into the company ID-card. Plasticard-ZFT can also supply student ID-cards with true multi-application capability. Besides the term ticket, the student ID-card allows the access to the university, student union, and library.

Also in long-distance travelling, plastic and chip cards are used as tickets, e.g. as BahnCard or Advantage card in the DACH-area (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Plasticard-ZFT can also take on all services additional to the production, such as personalisation of the card, adhesion and enveloping as a letter, right up to shipping by mail (see Lettershop).

Freight Transport and Fleet Management

In freight transport and the distribution of goods, we differentiate between the driver identification and the vehicle/cargo identification. For both target objectives there are solutions which Plasticard-ZFT is happy to explore with you.

RFID Lesegerät für RFID Karten z.B. kontaktloses Ticket Einlesen im Bus

Electric Mobility

Ladeinfrastukturen lassen sich vorteilhaft mit Chipkarten bedienen und managen. Der Nutzer einer Ladesäule kann mit seiner RFID-Karte den Ladevorgang für sein Fahrzeug autorisieren und erhält monatliche Abrechnungen seines Stromverbrauchs bequem nach Hause.

For this application, Plasticard-ZFT also offers a 100% service. From concept development and the choice of the right RFID-technology, the production of the charging cards right up to the ordering system and shipping to the end user – all services are offered and performed in-house.

Car Sharing

Apart from smartphones, RFID-media are one possible way, to identify oneself as the renter of a card and open the driver’s door. The appropriate RFID-card or key foby with 125 kHz or 13.56 MHz transmission frequency can be produced by us.


Parking-Space Management

The comfortable localisation and usage of free parking space in bigger cities is more and more turning into a comfort and selling argument for car brands. With a suitable navigation solution and the fitting parking card made by Plasticard-ZFT, parking and payment is much more relaxed. With an appropriate wide-range card and integrated payroll function the buying of parking tickets becomes a relic of the past! The appropriate cards and corresponding services regarding card distribution can be found here at Plasticard-ZFT.

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Driver's Licences & Labels for Driver's Licences

The classes card application. Usually driving licenses are a sovereign responsibility and require numerous steps to ensure forgery protection. In Germany, the production and personalisation of driver’s licences is done by the Bundesdruckerei (Federal Printing Office).

The statutorily required, regular check of the driver’s licence of a driver of fleet vehicles can be done properly with the help of a RFID-driver’s licence label and the corresponding tracking software. Plasticard-ZFT produces the suitable labels. For international applications, Plasticard-ZFT is also the producer of driving licences made of polycarbonate or other highly stable material.

Driver Cards

Auch Speicherkarten für die Lenkzeitkontrolle werden nach vergleichbaren Kriterien wie Führerscheine produziert und können von Plasticard-ZFT angeboten werden.

Fuel Cards

Fuel cards are offered as supra-regionally functioning payment cards by nearly all petroleum companies. For petrol station leaseholders they have only little use in costumer retention. Plasticard-ZFT also offers customer (fuel) cards to individual petrol stations with an individual design and in runs staring from 250 cards.


Badges for Delivery Agents

Alle großen Logistikunternehmen statten ihre Zustellfahrer mit sichtbar getragenen Bildausweisen aus. Dies hat sicherheits- und vertrauensbildende Funktionen. Plasticard-ZFT übernimmt für diesen Bedarf die komplette Zustelllogistik der fertig personalisierten Ausweise. Der Service beginnt bei der Passfotogewinnung und -prüfung und endet bei der Zustellung der fertigen Karte mit Befestigungszubehör (Clip, Container, Jojo o. Ä.), wahlweise in der Niederlassung oder bei der Privatadresse des Mitarbeiters.

Closing Control for Cargo Space and Containers

Electric seals allow the quick and secure identification of cargo and the surveillance of the intactness of an electronic seal. Thanks to modern AES-, RSA- or ECC-encryption, the security level of these kinds of technologies are very high. Plasticard-ZFT can assist you in realising adequate projects with our vast expertise and the fitting technologies.

picture credits

© kritchanut –
© Andrey Popov –

© Monkey Business –
© titikul_b –

© RAM –
© Alex Ad Photography –